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What Does Xanax Do to Your Eyes? Everything To Know

Xanax is a drug that is often prescribed to people with anxiety and panic disorders. It works on the nervous system by increasing the activity of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a neurotransmitter that slows down brain activity. One way that Xanax changes the body is by changing the pupillary response. Miosis is the lessening of the size of the pupils that can happen when you take Xanax. The drug has this effect because it can slow down the activity of the sympathetic nervous system. Normally, stress or arousal makes the pupils get bigger. This article talks about what does Xanax do to your eyes.

Is Xanax Able to Make Your Vision Poor?

Vision problems can happen when you take Xanax, but they don’t happen very often. Some people may experience temporary blurred vision when they take Xanax, especially if they take higher doses or use it for a long time. This effect might happen because the drug is sedative, which can make it hard to think and see clearly. However, blurred vision usually only lasts a short time and goes away once the drug is broken down and removed from the body.

At What Point Does Xanax Start to Hurt Your Eyes?

There isn’t a lot of research on this topic, but taking Xanax for a long time may be bad for your eyes. Some eye problems, like dry eye syndrome and changes in intraocular pressure, have been linked to long-term use of benzodiazepines like Xanax. Long-term use of Xanax may also cause eye problems in a roundabout way, like by changing the way you sleep and your overall health. But more research is needed to find out exactly what long-term effects Xanax has on eye health.

Can Taking Xanax Make It Hard to See?

Xanax can sometimes make it hard to see things clearly. For example, you might see halos around objects or notice changes in how colors look. These effects don’t happen very often, but they could happen because Xanax changes the way brain chemicals and neurotransmitters work. Visual problems that happen when you take Xanax are usually mild and temporary. They go away when the drug is broken down and removed from your body. On the other hand, people who have severe or persistent vision problems should see a doctor right away.

What Happens When You Take Xanax with Other Drugs That Affect Your Eyesight?

Xanax might change or make the effects of other medicines that affect vision worse if taken together. For some time, taking Xanax with other drugs that slow down the central nervous system, like alcohol or opioid painkillers, may raise the risk of vision loss and other bad effects. Xanax may also interact with some eye diseases and conditions, like glaucoma and macular degeneration. People taking these medicines need to be closely monitored by their doctors.

How Does Taking Xanax Affect Your Night Vision?

Some humans may also have hassle seeing at night when they take Xanax, mainly if they may be already having hassle seeing or are taking higher doses. Because Xanax makes you sleepy, it may make it more difficult to touch the objects correctly. Xanax may also reduce to time of your sleep-wake cycle, which could change your circadian rhythms and make it harder to look at night. If a person is taking Xanax and having problem seeing at night time, they have to communicate to their doctor for more checking out and advice.

Can the Visual Side Effects of Xanax Be Undone?

Most of the time, Xanax’s visual side effects can be undone and go away once the drug is out of the body. As time goes on, Xanax’s effects on vision get weaker because the liver and kidneys break it down and get rid of it. However, people who have severe or persistent visual symptoms should see a doctor to rule out any underlying eye conditions or side effects related to using Xanax. Now you have knowledge about what does Xanax do to your eyes.

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